Review: Careline Wallflower "Better Than Basic" Matte Liquid Lipstick

September 20, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

     Welcome to my very first post on this new blog that I made. I decided to make a separate blog where I can talk about products, reviews, movies, fashion, basically anything that I am pretty much interested in.

      So, me and my sister went to the mall last weekend to get some stuff for her travel this coming Saturday. My sis decided to get a new lipstick and mascara for herself. Luckily there was a  buy one take one promo and I got a free lippie. I looked over the color swatches and of course the weirdo in me took over and decided to get this grey lippie. It's not intimidating in my opinion. It's a color I've always wanted to try on me. There I found this matte liquid lipstick which in my opinion isn't that bad for the price.

      I tried it on yesterday but I am only able to  do it at night for 4 hours since I wasn't feeling very well. But here's the photos I took of me wearing it.



Color Pay-off: 4 / 5, needs 2 coats to even out the color. 
Packaging : 4 / 5, just the usual tube with fuzzy sponge tip applicator ( well, that's how I call it.)
Longetivity: 4 / 5, I think this is pretty decent knowing that I wore it for 4 hours, I had a few drinks from my water bottle, I ate some sweets, and been talking a lot.
Stickiness: 3 / 5, this is my most concern, the lippie dries pretty decent on my lip but even after it dries to set the color, it still felt sticky. I had to put a translucent powder over it to cancel out the stickiness, I'm not that sure if it's fair for a 195.00 lip product but I hope they can work on it since I'm pretty confident that the product did a very good job for it's price.
Heaviness: 3 / 5, it feels just as most lipstick.

Am I going to buy it again? Sure, why not! This is also available in most drugstores so it's pretty easy to get.

Would I recommend it? Of course especially for people who are usually in a budget. It's not that bad, just make sure to put a translucent powder over it to cancel out the stickiness. Still, I think it's a nice try for this makeup line.

     There you go guys! I hope you liked my review on Careline's Better Than Basic in Wallflower. I hope this helps and see you guys on my next post!



Zyra, XXI, Est. 1996, Cancerian, Starseed, Eclectic Witch, Goth, Ravenclaw, Magical Girl, Unicorn in Disguise